Drug Abuse and Addiction - Project 2023

Nepali get addicted and need to keep relying on the drug. When they are hooked on that drug, becoming a drug abuser, that person will start neglecting their responsibilities

and start delving into illegal activities. They are not only affecting themselves but also hurting family members, friends, and the greater society. Because you have lost yourself too deeply in the drugs, you cannot control yourself; your life revolves around the drug. When experimenting with drugs, you risk developing more serious drug abuse habits that lead to health and behavioral consequences. It all depends on what drug one is addicted to, but there is no illegal drug that does not have serious consequences. Taking a recreational drug causes a surge in levels of dopamine in the brain, which triggers feelings of pleasure, which is considered getting “stoned.” The brain remembers those feelings and wants them repeated all over again. If you become addicted, the substance takes on the same significance as other survival behaviors, such as eating and drinking. It also changes one’s brain, interfering with one’s ability to think


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